About Becoming Whole

Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. (Prov 4:7)
About Becoming Whole Institute

Directive - to change mindsets so that they will become whole. Let's be clear, we're talking about wholeness as defined by the Word of God and this can only occur by applying the Word of God.

The application methods are:

  • Reading & Meditation
  • Study
  • Prayer
  • Fasting


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About Becoming Whole Ministries

Becoming Whole Ministries goal is to heal through teaching people the “Truth.” What is the Truth, the Truth is the bible, The Word of God. Have you ever heard the saying people do what they do because they believe what they believe? Well, the facts are people hav…

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About Our Founder

Kelly Smith is the founder of Becoming Whole Ministries & Becoming Whole Institute

She is a Prophet of God, a Wife, Mother, engaging speaker & author, and enterprising entrepreneur.  

As a Prophet, her heart is to speak God's laws, commands, statutes, and His de…

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The Office & Ministry of A Prophet

The Office & Ministry of a Prophet is often misunderstood, mischaracterized and highly unappreciated within the body of Chris. Beloved this should not be so.  

Our desire is to educate and bring clarity to the true purpose of the Office and Ministry of a Prophet…

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“All Journeys Begin With a First Step…and Your Journey of Wholeness Starts Here...” - Kelly Smith

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